The Academy members

Who are they ?

They are professionals from the Algerian film industry, divided (according to precise criteria) into ten professional branches. They can also choose to belong to one of the 3 transversal branches.

Membership of the Academy (excluding the associated professions branch) is only lost for the following three reasons: resignation, legal conviction, or non-payment of dues for two consecutive years.

Persons affiliated to the associated professions branch are members for a renewable term of 2 years.

What is their role ?

Each year, Academy members vote to recognize artists and technicians involved in eligible films/series released between January and December, by awarding them the “Jazair Award” in the 18 categories presented at the Ceremony.

Can we have access to the academy’s membership list ?

No. In order to avoid any direct contact between the beneficiaries and the members of the Academy, and therefore to preserve perfect fairness, the list of members is strictly confidential.

Who is eligible?

Membership of the Algerian Academy of Arts is open to all Algerian cinema professionals who apply in writing to the secretariat.

Become a member

If you are a professional working in the film industry in Algeria and would like to become a member of the Algerian Academy of Arts in one of the eighteen professional categories, and thus take part in the voting for the “Jazair Awards“, you need to :

1 – Check that you meet the conditions set out in the “Academy Regulations” for the professional category to which you belong.

2- Put together your application file:

  • A letter of application (including your home address, e-mail address, a telephone number where you can be reached and the college for which you are applying);
  • Two letters of sponsorship from Academy members in any professional field;
  • A curriculum vitae outlining your career in the film industry (please indicate the release dates of films/series on which you have collaborated. The release date of each film is taken into account, not the year of production).

3- Send your application to the Academy secretariat by e-mail :

E-mail address: